Your Well Intervention specialist

a Well Orientated Service; to achieve your goal efficiently and safely.  

Solution Orientated

People who are solution-oriented have a mindset that focuses on finding practical and effective solutions to problems and challenges. It involves a proactive and positive attitude, and taking action to overcome obstacles rather than dwelling on the problems themselves

(Contingency) Planning

A contingency plan is a course of action designed to help an organization respond effectively to a significant future incident, event or situation that may or may not happen.

Safe working practices

Safe working practices are a set of procedures, rules, and processes designed to ensure the health and safety of people in the workplace

About me

Michel Heidbuurt

Michel Heidbuurt

Director of Operations

Hello, I’m Michel Heidbuurt; Since I finished my education in Telematics (Specialized in Analog and Digital communication). I started my apprenticeship at a Borehole Seismic company located in Den Helder; where I performed maintenance and repairs on Seismic equipment.

During my apprenticeship I was also exposed to field work; which was mainly for the Oil & Gas Industry on Wellsites, both offshore and onshore; also on the Seismic Source Vessels often deployed on a MPSV (Multi Purpose Supply Vessel).

As the work was divers, and had a lot of travelling involved; I knew the Oil & Gas industry was what I wanted keep doing. So after my apprenticeship didn’t leave and started working as a Seismic Field Engineer. Not long after that the company was taken over by a big Multinational. This company had many other divisions; one of them being the Wireline division that performed apart from Downhole Seismic also Electric Line Logging and Services in both Cased Hole and Open Hole environments.

After years still continuing as Seismic Field Specialist I started to broaden my horizon by getting exposed to both Open Hole and Cased Hole Logging. I started to focus more on Cased hole Wireline Services. Where after a couple of years I become the Field Service Coordinator. 

After +18years with the company I decided it was again time for a change; this time as freelancer.

Very quickly got an assigment to help expand the E-line department of that company and at the same time improve reliability of the eCoil Service.

After help growing the E-line department; took on a different role as a Project Engineer for the main contract holder and guided a 3-well P&A campain from start to end to be finished efficiently and safely. During the execution did the supervision on site. And this is something I really like doing; and hope to perform more project where I’m involved in the planning stage, execution and post job activities.

And the most important bit is that I really enjoy spending time with my Family and when I have time left I like to play Futsal, Football, Track-racing and fiddling around with Electronics.


Commandeurssingel 36
1792AV Oudeschild
The Netherlands

+31 6 1250 8779

KvK:     81590091
BTW:   NL003581066B87

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